Content and playlists

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Items and playlists allow you to customize what is displayed on the screen.

You can manage these settings from iNFO DIS slideshow’s web interface.


Item describes what exact content should be played or shown. There several types of items:

  • Single file – play exactly one file stored in the device’s internal memory
  • Files alphabetically – play one or more files stored in the device’s internal memory in alphabetical order. You can group files based on the folder they are in, prefix of their name or their extension.
  • Files randomly – play one or more files stored in the device’s internal memory in random order (a special algorithm is used, so you won’t get the same file two consecutive times). You can group files based on the folder they are in, prefix of their name or their extension.
  • Audio/video stream – network stream containing audio or video (e.g. webcam feed, internet radio, internet TV, video stream)
  • Panel with date/time – displays current date and/or time. Device’s internal clock and time zone is used.
  • Panel with weather – displays weather forecast from online service
  • Panel with RSS messages – displays RSS feeds (e.g. news)
  • Plain text – displays single line of static text, without any formatting
  • Nothing – just panel background is displayed (solid color or linear / radial gradient), useful for advanced screen layouts
  • Today’s name day – display first name that currently celebrates name day
  • Video input – preview from camera or HDMI input
  • YouTube video – online video from YouTube

For types Files alphabetically and Files randomly you can enter the field Path in several formats according to which files you would like to pick, even combine the formats:

For types Files alphabetically and Files randomly you can enter the field Path in several formats according to which files you would like to pick, even combine the formats:

  • Only one file, by entering file name directly, as is (e.g. image1.jpg. You can also use File manager (via menu Files) – right click on a file – Create new item, which will pre-fill the entire path.
  • All files in one folder, by entering folder name and a wildcard sign (e.g. folder1/*). You can also use File manager (via menu Files) – right click on a folder – Create new item, which will pre-fill the entire path.
  • All files in one folder and its subfolders, by entering folder name and a double wildcard (e.g. folder1/**).
  • All files in all folders and subfolders, by entering a double wildcard (**).
  • Several paths, separated by colon sign (e.g. folder1/*:folder2/*)

Items can be created and edited through menu Items.


Playlist consists of one or more items, which are played in the set order in an endless cycle, until the playlist is changed (either manually or due to the time slots). During the cycle, each item is resolved to only a single file, panel or stream. This is then played for a set amount of seconds (except for audio files, video files and moving RSS messages, which are always played for their full length). After finishing the item, the playlist moves on to the next item. There are 3 types of playlists based on how the audio is played:

  • Mute – no audio is played from the videos and streams in this playlist
  • From video – audio is played if video or video stream is displayed
  • Audio playlist – special playlist for only audio files/streams, playlist with this type cannot be assigned to a panel, see Audio playlists time slots

Playlists can be created and edited through menu Playlists.

What are your feelings
Updated on October 4, 2023
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